Flower delivery Who are we?

Who are we?

Universal Flower International (UFI), is a company of Aquarelle.com Group created in 1987, leader in flower delivery in France. Aquarelle.com has always worked with the best producers to guarantee you bouquets composed of fresh, seasonal flowers with optimal longevity.

From France to the world...

After more than thirty years of experience in the field of flower delivery in France, Aquarelle.com has decided to extend this experience beyond national borders. A significant step in the evolution of the company. Using this solid experience as a base, Universal Flower International aspires to transcend geographical and cultural borders to bring its know-how worldwide.

Quality, passion and excellence

The creation of Universal Flower embodies a bold ambition to spread the joy, elegance and meaning that flowers carry with them. It also reflects the commitment to quality and excellence in flower delivery while preserving the same passion and dedication that have made it famous in France.